I’m not a jewelry maker, but when I found these washers they just screamed at me to do something with them. I have just experimented so far and thought this idea would be one a jewelry maker/designer would really enjoy.
These washers come in different sizes. I’ll be looking for some larger ones to play around with.
Take the washer and wrap it with your choice of embroidery thread. I tied a knot in the end of the thread and ran the needle between the strands after looping around the washer.
Start at one spot on the washer and go directly down, then back up to the next spot on the washer till you have gone all the way around.
When you get to the last open spot on the washer don’t go down and loop over the washer again, go directly down and loop over the opening in the thread.
Next bring the needle back up through the area where all the thread crisscross.
Immediately start going over and under the threads catching the threads in the back. Continue in a circular pattern until you have the coverage you are happy with.
When you go over the last strand you will cover, slip the needle through some of the threads on the back side and secure with a knot or two, cut thread as close as you can to design. Since this will be being worn, a touch of glue might be beneficial.
I hope you can create some beautiful jewelry with this idea. If you do, I’d love to see what you do. Please join me on facebook and upload a picture of what you create.
Happy crafting!